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This family study outline is updated weekly to go along with Sunday’s live-stream message! We encourage you to read straight from your Bible with your kids, even if that means reading while your younger kids play or draw next to you! We can’t underestimate the power of filling our homes with God’s living Word, and it is infinitely valuable for your kids to see what it looks like to engage with the Bible.

These discussion points and resources are meant to be stretched out over the week!

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Acts 2:1-14 | The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

Acts 2:14-41 | Peter Addresses the Crowd

The Jesus Storybook Bible | God Sends Help (Acts 1-5 retelling)

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  1. Peter says, “Everyone who trusts in the Lord will be saved.” When we trust in Jesus, what are we saved from?

  2. Peter reminds the people that Jesus died on the cross. Did Jesus die forever? Where is he now?

  3. Jesus is now at God’s right side! Peter explains that Jesus gives His people a gift from heaven. What does Jesus give to His people?

  4. The Holy Spirit helps us do things we can’t do by ourselves. What did the Holy Spirit help Peter do? What can the Holy Spirit help us do?

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Thank you, God, for making us part of your family when we trust in Jesus! Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit. We know that through the Holy Spirit, you are always with us, helping us grow to become more like Jesus & to tell other people about your great love! You are so good! We love you, God. Amen.

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Lift your voices + dance for joy with OCC’s Spotify playlists! There are playlists for every age, along with a “Worship At Home” playlist with songs selected specifically for each week.

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  • Play Follow the Leader, mimicking the silly walks, actions, motions, + sounds of the leader. Talk about how being a disciple means following someone closely. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can follow Jesus!

  • Pentecost paint blowing art project

  • Plan a meal that can be shared between the members of your family. Before eating, read Acts 2:42-47 (The Fellowship of Believers) & talk about/practice the “breaking of bread & prayer,” and eating together “with glad & sincere hearts.” Just like we see in Acts 2, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can share the good news about Jesus with others & God’s family will grow!


For additional parent + family resources, check out OCC Kids’ Pinterest boards!