Mercy is tenderheartedness and compassion toward someone in need. How did your child reveal their need for mercy this past week?
If mercy isn't natural to you, what are some other natural reactions that have been revealed in your parenting?
How has God shown you mercy recently, and how should that impact the mercy you show your children? Be specific.
Tripp insists that the most important thing a parent can do is remember the daily mercies we need and receive (we don’t deserve or earn them). He shares 8 of his favorite Biblical reminders about God’s mercy: Psalm 23:6, 28:6, 40:11, 103:4, 145:9, Isaiah 30:18, Ephesians 2:4, and Hebrews 4:16. We encourage you to start this meditation on mercy by writing these verses down. Consider memorizing one each week or posting them places you’ll see them often. Ask God to help you understand the implications of His mercy on your own life, and for His help in parenting with mercy.